Setting Item Mandatory

Setting Item Mandatory

In this article I will explain you how you can set any field mandatory through personalization

In this example I will make mandatory List Price Field in Item Master à Purchasing Tab.

1)       Open the Item Master From  Inventory Super User à Item Master

2)      You should know the name and block name of the item to which you want to personalize. So navigate to list price item in Purchasing Tab. As shown in above figure.

3)      And  select Help à Diagnostics à Examine

4)      Note the  Block and field name.

5)      Now navigate to   Help à Diagnostics à Custom Code à Personalize

6)      Enter  10 in sequence number.

7)      “FF List Price req” in description

8)      Navigate to Action Tab

9)      Sequence number type 10

10)       From Target Object  select MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT

11)      From Property Name select REQUIRED

12)      From Value select  True.

13)      Press Apply Now

14)      Press Save.

That’s it , Personalization is done. Now close the form and open it again and you will see List Price Field is Yellow which mean it is mandatory.