Installing GNU Make for EBS

Installing GNU Make for use with E-Business suite R11 R12.

  • Download it from the GNU FTP site
  • Download make-3.79.tar.gz or a later version
  • Unpack the files using c:\folder_where_u_downloaded>gunzip make-3.79.tar.gz
  • The files will be unpacked and extension gz will be removed.
  • Now un tar the files c:\ folder_where_u_unpacked >tar –xvf make-3.79.tar
  • This will create a new sub directory MAKE-3.79 under folder_where_u_unpacked
  • Now test for VC environment with this command c:\make\make-3.79>vcvars32. this will give a message “petting environment for using Microsoft Visual C++ tools.
  • Create a new sub directory MAKE-3.79 under folder_where_u_unpacked has a batch file build_w32.bat
  • Run it from command prompt. C:\make\make-3.79\build_w32.bat
  • If the build is successful check for a directory name winrel. It should have a file GNUKAME.EXE
  • Rapidwiz checks for this file at installation time.
  • You might have to run bat file twice for build to be successful.
  • In case build is not successful, you could use a file LS.EXE (present in MKS Toolkit Subdirectory MKSNT), rename it as GNUMAKE.EXE and put it in the system32 folder. But this option is only a crude way of finishing your installation.
  • Note that unzipping gnumake using winzip v7 or other zip utilities may rename the file config.h.w32 as config_h.w32. Other files may well be renamed like this one. This could lead to build failures.
  • Lastly, you need to install JDK1.3.1 or higher.